- Stop your car and remain calm. Check yourself and your passengers for injuries.
- If there are no life threatening injuries and your car is movable move to the side of the road.
- Call 911 and report the accident. If anyone involved is injured advise the 911 operator.
- Do not discuss the accident with anyone other than the police. Do not voluntarily admit fault.
- Remain with your vehicle until the police and/or emergency personal arrive.
- Be prepared to provide the police with your registration and insurance information.
- Contact your insurance company and notify them of the accident as soon as possible.
- You may be contacted by the other person’s insurance company to give a statement. You are under no obligation to do so.
- Your insurance will also want to take a statement from you. Although you must co-operate with them you have the right to consult with an attorney first.
- Regardless of how big of small your accident is, you will acquire some injuries. Whether or not you go to the hospital, please make sure to follow up with a medical provider and be examined right away.

Florida Personal Injury Protection Coverage (PIP):
PIP stands for Personal Injury Protection. It is also known as “no-fault” coverage. All Florida motor-vehicle owners are required to maintain PIP by law. It pays medical expenses related to a motor-vehicle collision up to the first $10,000 regardless of fault.
For car accident victims, it is important to remember that PIP benefits may only be provided to you if you receive medical treatment for your injuries within 14 days of the accident. Otherwise, you might be ineligible to receive benefits under the program.